All social channels for Logitech were managed in house by our content team at Streetsense. While working on Logitech’s social channel, I was in charge of numerous campaigns where I worked with the Logitech Global Branding team and the Senior Art Director at Streetsense. I was responsible for all photoshoots, social assets and animated graphics.
Client: Logitech
Role: Senior Designer
Defy Logic Campaign / Social Ads + Social Video + Superbowl Ad Support
Role: Senior Designer
International Wellness Week Campaign / Social Assets
Role: Campaign Conception + Art Direction + Design
Teacher Appreciation Week / Social Assets
Role: Art Direction + Design
Malala Day Social Assets
Role: Art Direction + Designer
Video Social Assets
Role: Art Direction + Design + Animation
Infographic Design
Role: Art Direction + Design + Illustration
Assorted Social Assets
Role: Art Direction + Photographer